Carry-on Items Policy
Carry-On Items Policy
Space on buses can be tight, with limited available seat width for students. Large instruments and projects are allowed on buses if they can be safely carried in the student’s lap. Otherwise, large items, which are extremely dangerous in the event of a crash or sudden stop, must be transported by the parent.
Lost items will be held on the bus or returned to the school office. Unclaimed and unlabeled items are donated to charity.
As a parent and community member, it is also important to know the rules of interacting with a school bus when you are driving. Here are some of the most important rules to know and remember:
- All drivers must stop for a school bus when a school bus is stopped for the purpose of loading or unloading children.
- A driver approaching an intersection from any direction must stop and remain stopped until all children are clear of the highway and the bus is put in motion.
- An an undivided highway or street, all motorists must stop, even in the center turning lane, and remain stopped until all children are clear of the highway and the bus is in motion.
- On a divided highway or street, drivers traveling in any of the lanes going in the same direction as the school bus must stop. Motorists on the highway on the other side of the physical barrier or unpaved area are not required to stop.
- Motorists are required to stop when a school bus is loading or unloading children even if the school traffic safety devices are not functioning properly.