Grade 8
Students in grade eight will be introduced to the concept of citizenship in a democratic society. “Democracy, Civics and American Government” is designed to give the students the tools to become active and effective participants in the world around them. Students will learn the knowledge, skills and values necessary to become a responsible citizen and will have the opportunity to apply these skills in real life situations. They will develop an appreciation for the democratic ideals embodied in the founding documents and develop a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities as a participating member of our American democratic society.
Moreover, this course will correlate with the five cognitive strategies of problem formation, research, interpretation, communication, and precision and accuracy, included within the framework of the Common Core Standards and twenty first century skills. Furthermore, the course meets the expectations of the strategic plan for the Cranston Public Schools, most notably in regard to developing a diverse community of learners who work collaboratively as critical thinkers, as well as empowering students to acquire the resourcefulness which prepares learners for life role performances in a world of constant change and continuous discovery.