Grade 7
Early World History
Course Description:
Students in this course will study the emergence of the major civilizations of the ancient world, beginning with Mesopotamia and finishing with the end of the Middle Ages in the fifteenth century A.D. We will pay special attention to how societies evolved across this expanse of time—from fragmented and primitive agricultural communities to more advanced and consolidated civilizations. To do this, we will rely upon readings to provide historical overviews of particular civilizations and then utilize primary and secondary sources to illuminate the unique features of these individual societies. By the end of the year, students will also understand how many aspects of these ancient civilizations and medieval times continue to remain relevant in today’s world.
Emphasis will also be placed on immigration, socioeconomic mobility, and gender/race issues. Moreover, this course will correlate with the five cognitive strategies of problem formation, research, interpretation, communication, and precision and accuracy, included within the framework of the Common Core Standards and twenty-first century skills. Furthermore, the course meets the expectations of the strategic plan for the Cranston Public Schools, most notably in regard to developing a diverse community of learners who work collaboratively as critical thinkers, as well as empowering students to acquire the resourcefulness which prepares learners for life role performances in a world of constant change and continuous discovery.