Curriculum Miscellaneous » Grade 8 Democracy, Civics & American Government

Grade 8 Democracy, Civics & American Government

1. What is government?
2. Why do people create, structure, and change governments?
3. How did citizens set up governments as they transitioned from colonies to states?
4. What current events reflect the historical and political ideas today?
Quarter 1 Content and Writing Assessments, Required Research
1. How/why are the federal government’s powers created, distributed, and limited by the United States Constitution?
2. How does the Constitution of the United States continue to respond to the changing needs of society?

Quarter 2 Content and Writing Assessments, Required Research
1. How are civil rights protected?
2. What are the responsibilities, rights, and duties of citizens?
3. How do political parties function and how do they help the government and citizens?

Quarter 3 Content and Writing Assessments, Required Research
1. How do we enforce laws and what do we do when citizens break laws?
2. How the civil justice system works to solve conflicts between parties in a peaceful, lawful way?
3. What is the American Dream?

Quarter 4 Content and Writing Assessments, Required Research
Refer to school and district policies.
Tests, quizzes, projects & Quarterly Assessments........................................... 80%
Classwork and homework................................................................................. 20%
A. Communication Skills
1. #1 Argument Writing
2. #4. Speaking and Listening (with student presentation using district rubric)
PRENTICE HALL Civics Government and Economics in Action
2009 ISBN-10 0-13-365172-X