Diploma Pathways and Programs
The Diploma Plus System ensures that every student learns both broadly and deeply, is supporting their own learning, and is engaged in opportunities that are diverse, rigorous and connected to the world outside of the school. Students are afforded opportunities to earn credentials beyond the high school diploma, and are guided on a personalized learning track that they can continue in their post-secondary life.
The Council Designation program is one way Cranston graduates can show their personalized achievement and academic success.
Click the Arrows below to find out more information about each type of Diploma Seal offered.
Commisioner's Seal Council Designation
The Commissioner's Seal Council Designation certifies that a student is proficient in standards aligned to high school expectationsin English Language Arts and Mathematics as confirmed by external evidence. To earn a Commissioner’s Seal, students must successfully meet the established benchmark on both an
approved ELA assessment and an approved mathematics assessment in order to earn the one
Commissioner’s Seal.
approved ELA assessment and an approved mathematics assessment in order to earn the one
Commissioner’s Seal.
Seal of Biliteracy
The Seal of Biliteracy celebrates students who have multilingual competence – a critical skill in today’s global
society and an asset that will prepare RI graduates for success in the local and global economy. The Seal of
Biliteracy certifies that a student has demonstrated skills in the English language and one or more other
world languages. Students earn a Seal of Biliteracy by demonstrating competence in English Language Arts
standards as defined by the Commissioner Seal or English Proficiency standards, and nationally-recognized
world language standards. The Seal of Biliteracy is awarded at two levels: Gold and Silver
society and an asset that will prepare RI graduates for success in the local and global economy. The Seal of
Biliteracy certifies that a student has demonstrated skills in the English language and one or more other
world languages. Students earn a Seal of Biliteracy by demonstrating competence in English Language Arts
standards as defined by the Commissioner Seal or English Proficiency standards, and nationally-recognized
world language standards. The Seal of Biliteracy is awarded at two levels: Gold and Silver
Guided Pathway Endorsements
Guided Pathway Endorsements certify that a student has accomplisted deep learning in a chosen area of interest and is prepared for employment of future education in a career path. Students who completed guided pathways graduate from Cranston Public Schools with post-secondary credentials (college credits) as well as, real-life work-based learning that they can add to their resumes.
Cranston currently offers Guided Pathways in Arts and Humanities; Business, Economics and Data Analysis; STEM and Education, Government and Human Services. Guided Pathways in Communication, Media, and Film are coming soon.