Pupil Personnel Services » CPS Transition

CPS Transition

What are Transition Services?

Transition as defined in the current regulations speaks to the smooth transition of a student from grade to grade; level to level as well as from high school or the age of 21 to the post high school options.

Cranston Public Schools has a well developed transition process as students move from grade to grade and level to level.  At the elementary level, primary level special educators meet with the receiving intermediate level teacher to discuss each student.  The department chairs from each middle school meet with the staff from the sending elementary school to discuss each student so as to insure a smooth entry for the student.  The Assistant Principal for Special and Related Services from the high school meets with the department chairs, guidance counselor and special education case manager to discuss each student with regards to the individual IEP and the course selection sheet.

Representatives from the receiving school are available to meet with the current school staff and parent to discuss programs, answer questions and address concerns. Frequently, the staff from the receiving school will attend the annual IEP meeting as well.

Transition activities are also a part of the student’s IEP from the age of 14 as required by both federal and state regulations. These activities include vocational and career assessments.  In addition, a series of activities that the student will be exposed to at each grade level from grade 7 to 12, has been identified to provide the student with developmentally appropriate activities that are designed to provide the student with information that will assist him/her in making choices while in middle and high school as well as to enhance their ability to make a smooth transition to post high school activities.  Post high school can include the world of work, training programs, community college and four year college programs.  At the high school level, transition activities include assisting students and families with identifying appropriate post secondary programs or agencies that will assist the student as they enter the world of adult service provision.

The Cranston Transition is a life skills program which meets the educational, vocational and career needs of the students with disabilities between the ages of 18 – 21 years old.

The main goal at the program is to prepare students with the necessary life skills in order to succeed in the workplace.

The program emphasizes age appropriate activities related to functional life academics, daily living skills, community experiences, pre-vocational and work site experiences.  The focus of the program is to develop social and life skills as well as to begin to coordinate the transition to adult services.

Transportation to the Cranston Transition Program is arranged by Cranston Public Schools.  If special transportation problems develop, the Transition Program staff is available to help develop support plans for safe transportation.

Job Site Explorations

At the present time, we have partnered with Cranston Arc to provide job sites which will match students’ abilities and interests.

Our Current Community Team

Cornerstone School

Comstock Industries

Better Shred

Yesteryear Café

Artist’s Exchange

RI Community Food Bank

RI Recycle for Education

Scandinavian Retirement Home

K-Mart:  Cranston, Warwick

Cranston Police Department

Botanical Gardens, Roger Williams Park

Sam’s Club, Warwick

Sensational Child


A Cut Above is a CTP start-up business designed to teach our students a variety of job skills.

A Cut Above uses the Accucut die cut machine to produce a wide variety of shapes, alphabet letters, numbers and seasonal items.  These students manufacture these items in mass quantities for resale.

Our first client is the RI Recycle for Education.  We have been taking orders since last May and our business is growing.

Students have developed a catalog of materials in order to publicize our company to local Cranston elementary and secondary schools.

Snack Attack and Corner Café is a CTP start-up business designed to teach our students more job skills in the culinary area.  Snacks and luncheons are offered to area businesses and schools and bookings are available upon request.