Literacy » Comprehension


What is Comprehension?
Comprehension is one’s ability to understand what is communicated through spoken words or in print.  It relies on one understanding foundational literacy skills, as well as language skills to understand what is being communicated.  Comprehension requires one to understand: background knowledge, vocabulary, language structure, and text structure.  While one is reading, the reader is actively engaging with the words in his/her head.  
Progression of Comprehension Type Questions
Level 1Basic Recall – Who? What? When? Where? Why?
Level 2Skill and Concept – Cause/Effect, Identify, Predict, Interpret, and
Level 3Strategic Thinking – Assess, Draw Conclusions, Hypothesize, Revise
Level 4Extended Thinking – Apply, Synthesize, Critique, Connect
Cranston Public School Videos
Card Pyramid
Picture Prompts
Semantic Feature Analysis
Sentence Deconstruction


Home Activities
Read Nightly
Engage in Question and Answer
Retell a Story in Order
Join or Start a Book Club
Comprehension Resources 
Annotation Guide
Fictional Questions
Informational (Non-Fiction) Questions 
For additional information, please contact your child's classroom teacher.